Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 22:46

This tutorial will help you play MP3 and M4A audio file formats on Ubuntu 24.04 "Noble Numbat". We want you to be able to play them with Free Software only without resorting to proprietary (nonfree) software at all and the requirements are relatively small. Although this tutorial actually serves Rhythmbox Music the default Ubuntu audio player, but as an extra goodness you will find that after this Videos the default Ubuntu video player will be able to play them too. Now let's try it out!



(Rhythmbox 24.04 playing some audio lessons from Everday Conversations by American English in MP3 format)


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The Problem


On Ubuntu 24.04 Noble Numbat, when you play an MP3 or an M4A audio file format, Rhythmbox will not play it and report that something required is missing. This is a well-known issue for Ubuntu users. Do not worry! Read The Notes below for the secret behind this issue.

The Solution


1. Run Terminal.

2. Type command line below followed by Enter.

$ sudo apt-get install gstreamer1.0-libav

See picture below:

3. Computer will download and process the software packages. On our computer, it takes about 100MB download and 200MB disk space.

4. Installation finished.

5. Run Rhythmbox and try to play a MP3/M4A file. It plays now. Done. 



The Notes

The secret behind this issue is, this problem is caused by long time threatening issue against our Free Software Community called "software patents" (click the link to learn more) so Ubuntu and Canonical want to protect their users from that by not shipping by default software that can play such patented formats.

Then, benefit of using *libav package above is that, fortunately we can enjoy MP3/M4A audio in software freedom without resorting to nonfree (proprietary) software unlike with ubuntu-restricted-extras package that will pull even nonfree packages unnecessary, unrelated to audio playback. 

Finally, you can join our community and get involved in the development of Free Software as well as GNU/Linux by contributing your codes, your artworks, etc., and even your willingness to educate people about it.




See Also


What To Do After Installing Ubuntu 24.04 (Recommended)

List of Default Applications on Ubuntu 24.04 - A Complete Guide

How To Install Ubuntu 24.04 with Dualboot and UEFI Methods

Download Ubuntu 24.04 and other Official Flavors


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