In this third tutorial, we will learn about the next Calc formulas namely PROPER, UPPER and LOWER. These are useful formulas often used to change text quickly between typing cases, in bulk, mostly for people's names. Finally, if you haven't followed this LibreOffice Calc series, read the first and second parts here. Let's start.
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Firstly, type this dataset and save the document as calc-03-proper-upper-lower.ods for this exercise. Notice that the table spans across B2:C9 with seven names of people. The NAME data spans from C3 to C9 from abi satya darma to wati aulia kinarsih.
Secondly, create three sheets namely PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER respectively consisting of the same dataset as above.
You are ready to exercise.
In the PROPER sheet, do:
1. Type the dataset above, if haven't done.
2. Put cursor at F3.
3. Type the formula =PROPER(C3)
4. As a result, the lowercased name became proper cased, from abi satya darma to Abi Satya Darma. Notice the combination of capital and small letters.
5. Drag down the cell handle from Abi Satya Darma to Wati Aulia Kinarsih or from F3 to F9. If you didn't understand how, just read Part II.
6. As a result, all names in lowercase are now in proper case.
In the UPPER sheet, do:
1. Put cursor at F3.
2. Type the formula =UPPER(C3)
3. As a result, the lowercased name became uppercased, from abi satya darma to ABI SATYA DARMA.
4. Drag down the cell handle from ABI SATYA DARMA to WATI AULIA KINARSIH or from F3 to F9.
5. As a result, all names in lowercase are now in uppercase.
In LOWER sheet, do:
1. First, make sure all names are UPPERCASED. Use Paste Special to copy them from UPPER sheet.
2. Put cursor at F3.
3. Type the formula =LOWER(C3)
4. As a result, the uppercased name became lowercased, from ABI SATYA DARMA to abi satya darma.
5. Drag down the cell handle from abi satya darma to wati aulia kinarsih or from F3 to F9.
6. As a result, all names in uppercase are now in lowercase.
Now you should have the basic skills of PROPER, UPPER, and LOWER. Next time, you will learn about LEFT, MID, RIGHT formulas. Happy learning. See you next time!
To be continued Part IV...
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