Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Saturday, December 4, 2021 at 14:14

This is a collection of suggestions you can practice right after installing Guix GNOME System. Let's start!

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Setup Your Desktop

Adjust Font Size: go to Settings > Universal Access > click to enable Enlarge Font > screen text size enlarged. 

Adjust Display Resolution: go to Settings > Displays > switch the Resolution to another one available > Keep Changes > display resolution switched.

Automount Disk Drives: run Disks utility and configure automount for disk partitions you have in your computer. Follow this tutorial if you don't have an idea how.

Install a Terminal: did your built-in GNOME Terminal not work at the moment? Simply install another terminal that works for you. You can choose one of several choices, among them lxterminal, mate-terminal, and xfce4-terminal.

$ guix install lxterminal

Where to search for Guix packages? is the website where we can search for available packages and their versions on Guix central repository. This is similar to Ubuntu's search engine. Install a web browser first if you didn't have one yet.

Install Web Browser

Guix System is not like any other popular operating systems for it does not provide nor support mainstream web browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, or Opera. This is because it is fully free software to the source code level, thus, it provides instead Icecat and Ungoogled Chromium.

guix install icecat

guix install ungoogled-chromium

$ guix install lxterminal

Install LibreOffice

Guix System are friends with LibreOffice. You can grab your beloved Writer, Calc and Impress by installing it. 

guix install libreoffice

$ guix install lxterminal

Install Multimedia Player

To play any format of audio and video like MP3 and MP4, Guix System provides VLC Media Player. 

guix install vlc

$ guix install lxterminal


Install Graphics Creativity Software

To edit, produce and manage graphics, including photos, Guix System provides many tools including Gimp, Inkscape and Digikam. For more graphics software, you can refer to PIXLS.US.  

$ guix install gimp 
$ guix install inkscape
$ guix install digikam darktable 


Install Multimedia Creativity Software

To record, edit and produce audio/video, Guix System provides several tools including Audacity, Kdenlive, and LMMS.   

$ guix install audacity
$ guix install kdenlive 
$ guix install lmms ardour

Install Several Games

Does Guix System provide video games? Yes, of course and so many of them. We find almost all genres of game at Guix System for example Red Eclipse to represent FPS, 0 A.D. to represent RTS, and Flare to represent RPG.

$ guix install redeclipse
$ guix install supertuxkart 
$ guix install flare-game 
$ guix install 0ad 

Happy hacking!

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