Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 11:53

Remember Invidious? You can watch and download YouTube videos with it without ads and tracking (technically, without JavaScript). There is playlist feature in it and in this tutorial we will discuss how to create one, add videos to it, and play the videos automatically one by one. 


About This Tutorial

This tutorial assumes you are using Invidious (visit and know that everything is applicable to another Invidiouses. In the future, there might be changes and you can use another Invidious (visit for choices).

Register and Login

To make playlists, you should first have an account on Invidious. Signing up to Invidious, unlike YouTube, is anonymous and no email nor phone number required.

1. Click LOGIN.

2. Type a username, type a password, click REGISTER.

3. You are registered. Once registered, if you have not, you have to login first:

4. Click LOGIN.

5. Type your username, your password, login.

6. You are logged in. 

For example I have an account named iloveinvidious and it looks like below. 

Create Playlist

For example, we want to make a playlist of wild life videos like the popular Primitive Technology and similar people are doing. To create playlist:

1. Go to your Invidious. 


3. Click CREATE PLAYLIST, give it a name, make it Private, create, and click plus button.

4. In the search page displayed, search videos you want. In this example, wild life videos, by keywords around "primitive technology" ". 

5. Click plus button on each video of the videos displayed. 

6. Playlist created.

NOTE: you can make it Public playlist by selecting Public instead of Private.

Play the Playlist

1. Go to your Invidious. 

2. Click PLAYLIST. 

3. Your playlist(s) displayed.

4. Click one playlist. In this example, WILD LIFE.

5. Videos inside this playlist displayed. Click the first video. 

6. Video plays.

7. Next video will be automatically play. 

8. This playlist will end automatically at the last video.