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1. Smooth Drop Shadows
Visually, the new drop shadow on every file icon makes DFM smoother. This change is very noticeable.
2. New Settings
Previous versions have no "Settings". Now, DFM has its own settings. It's still beautiful and tidily designed. It has basic & advanced divisions, to control previewing, auto-mounting, double-click, and another behaviors.
3. Disk Space Display
Now, every storage device show disk space bar on "Computer" view. Certainly this is a beloved feature for end-users. I wish the next version will get disk-space displays right on left panel.
4. New Context Menu
A new addition in DFM context menu is "Open in new window as admin". This shown when you right-click a folder/file.
5. New "Format" Option on Disk
When you plugged in a flash drive, now you have "Format" option while right-clicking on it. It will be very familiar to Windows users.
6. New Copying Dialog
The copying-progress dialog has been redesigned.