Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 23:46

We have explained how to install KIM in KDE Plasma 5. Now, we need to explain the same in KDE Plasma 4. KDE 4 and 5 are a little bit different so we need also different explanations to install KIM.

Install ImageMagick

KIM needs ImageMagick software to do its tasks. ImageMagick is free software according to FSF Directory. KIM won't work until you have ImageMagick installed.
sudo apt-get install imagemagick
Explanation: in Kubuntu 14.04, this takes about 4 MB to download.

Obtain KIM

Download KIM for KDE 4 from You will get a small tar.gz file. Save it in your $HOME directory.

Extract KIM

Extract it in your $HOME directory (for the sake of convenience). So you have the correct directory in ~/kim4.

Install KIM

To install KIM, especially in KDE 4.1x and above, you need to do these command lines:

  1. sudo mkdir /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/imageconverter.desktop
  2. sudo bash ~/kim4/
Explanation: the first command has not documented in KIM documentation. Do it to avoid any error. The second command is a command for bash shell to execute the KIM install script.


As long as you have ImageMagick and installed KIM correctly, now you can see every right-click menu in image file contains KIM menus like this.