Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Monday, February 29, 2016 at 14:01

Zotero can help you to take manually one by one citation and bibliography entry, beside it can also help you to do those automatically. This manual approach is suitable if you need to insert citation manually into another text editor (outside of LibreOffice Writer scopes) such as LibreOffice Impress or any other plain text editor. This article consists of two main parts, inserting citation and inserting bibliography. This article assumes you have installed Zotero or its Stand Alone version.

Insert Citation

  1. Open Zotero. 
  2. Right-click one entry > Create Bibliography from Item.
  3. In the Citation Style:, select one style. For example, we choose APA style.
  4. In the Output Mode:, select Citations.
  5. In the Output Method:, select Copy to Clipboard.
  6. Open your text editor (e.g. Impress). 
  7. Paste (Ctrl+V). Make sure you paste the citation in the right place.
  8. Now you have a citation.

Insert Bibliography

  1. Open Zotero. 
  2. Right-click one entry > Create Bibliography from Item.
  3. In the Citation Style:, select one style. For example, we choose APA style.
  4. In the Output Mode:, select Bibliography.
  5. In the Output Method:, select Copy to Clipboard.
  6. Open your text editor (e.g. Impress). 
  7. Paste (Ctrl+V). Make sure you paste the bibliography entry in the right place. For example, paste it in the last page as bullets & numberings entries.
  8. Do these 1-7 until all citations completed with corresponding bibliography entries.
  9. Now you have a bibliography. 


As an example, this is an Impress presentation page with citations: 

And this is the bibliography slide:

Please note that this presentation created for just an example purpose.