Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Monday, November 23, 2015 at 12:42

Those who use Ubuntu in internet-restricted area such as college or office, probably will need proxy configuration for their apt-get command. Especially in the college, when every student given username and password for campus proxy to connect to the internet. Actually we just need to configure proxy or with/without authentication in apt.conf file. Here we go.


Let assume we have these credential information:

  • Proxy server:
  • Port: 443
  • Username:
  • Password: mypassword

How To Configure

  1. Open Terminal.
  2. Perform command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf
  3. Type the configuration text below.
  4. Save Gedit and exit. 
  5. Test command sudo apt-get update when you are in the proxified area.

How To Revert Configuration

  1. Open Terminal. 
  2. Perform command: sudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf
  3. Type a "#" sign without quotes in every beginning of line exactly before Acquire
  4. Save Gedit and exit.
  5. Test command sudo apt-get update when you are not in proxyfied area.

Configuration Text

Given above assumptions, so our configuration will be like these.
Acquire::http::proxy ""
Acquire::https::proxy "";