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Thursday, May 13, 2010
Some people have a difficulty to equate display color in both crt/lcd monitor to printer or other printing equipment, some of us maybe have found a question "why did my printing result is extremely different color compared with monitor display color". To handle this problem we need a mechanism called "color calibration", color calibration is the way to measure and/or adjust the color response of a device (input or output) to establish a known relationship to a standar, some adjusted section in monitor calibration is brightnes, color gamma and contrast. In other operating system such us windows we know application called 'adobe gamma loader' to adjust monitor gamma moreover machintos familly which dedicated as system operation for a graphics industries have own way to calibrate color display, so how can we do in ubuntu 10.04 or and other linux familly.
in linux ubuntu especially running on gnome desktop enviroment we have application called `display calibration`, unfortunately this application isi not installed to your system by default. to setup monitor display calibration in ubuntu or other linux family follow these steps above.
go to 'system > administration > synaptics package manager' then type keyword 'display calibration'. You will found some application match with your keyword, mark then install application xcalib, and kgamma.
if all application has installed succesfully, go to sytem > preferences > displaycalibrator and you can start calibrate your monitor display.
move setting pannel (look like volume button) up and down separately to adjust the color of nature grey red, green and blue of your computer then 'save' it to keep the setting until reboot. some tips when you perform a monitor display calibration is choose the approximates color of result of your printing equipment.
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tips and trick