Ade Malsasa Akbar contact
Senior author, Open Source enthusiast.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at 19:51

vnStat PHP is a nice bandwidth monitoring tool with web interface based on vnStat console. vnStat PHP can show you visual graph and table of hourly, daily, and monthly bandwidth usage. It can monitor any network interface you use (WLAN, LAN, etc.). It doesn't need MySQL database to run, just Apache web server is enough. So it's good for desktop users and this article shows how to install it in some easy steps. vnStat PHP is a frontend by Bjorge Dijkstra, while vnStat is a program by Teemu Toivola, and both are free software under GPLv2.

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Required Info

You should know your network interface to be monitored. For example, I connect to the internet via WLAN (from my router) so I need the name of my WLAN interface. To know what interface currently enabled, use ifconfig:

$ ifconfig
wlp3s0b1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500

The output above indicates that my interface for WLAN is wlp3s0b1. Note your own interface name.

1. Install Apache & PHP & PHP-GD

vnStat PHP requires 3 server-related programs to run: apache, php, and php-gd. To install them on Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, 16.10, and later:

$ sudo apt-get install apache2 php7.0 php7.0-gd

2. Install vnstat Program

The vnstat program is available on repo. This is required by vnStat PHP.

$ sudo apt-get install vnstat

3. Configure vnstat.conf

Once vnstat installed, determine default network interface in /etc/vnstat.conf file. For example, I want to monitor my WLAN so I use wlp3s0b1 interface.

Interface "wlp3s0b1"

3. Download vnStat PHP Program

Current version of vnStat PHP is 1.5.1. Run this command and it should download the package into your $HOME directory.

$ wget -c

4. Install vnStat PHP

Installing the vnStat PHP is extracting the package and move its directory into Apache public www directory.

$ tar xzf vnstat_php_frontend-1.5.1.tar.gz
$ sudo mv vnstat_php_frontend-1.5.1 /var/www/html/

5. Configure config.php

The last config is determining the network interface and user language in vnStat PHP config.php file. You can name the monitor too.

$language = 'en';
$iface_list = array('wlp3s0b1', 'enp0s29u1u4');
$iface_title['wlp3s0b1'] = 'MY WLAN';

6. Enjoy Web Panel

Now open your web browser and visit localhost page at vnstat directory. According to this tutorial, it should be http://localhost/vnstat_php_frontend-1.5.1/. Anytime you want to see your traffic data, visit that page.

Some Tips

  1. You can monitor more than one network interface (e.g. wlan, lan, usb tethering, etc.) by specifying them in config.php.
  2. You can rename the directory name to simpler one such as "vnstat/".
  3. You can bookmark the URL of your vnStat PHP panel.
